As we are decommissioning this Realm Support Portal, you would need to convert your existing Realm Cloud subscription into an MongoDB Atlas Developer subscription. This would provide you with a better and extended support experience, access to our MongoDB Support Portal and will include your current Realm subscription (those 30$/month would be cancelled).

An email was sent on April 22nd, with subject '[Action needed] Your Realm Support access', describing this option in more detail, which instead of 30$/month would be 49$/month. 

What’s next:

  • Sign up for Atlas Developer support for $49/month:

    1. Create an Atlas account. This will replace your current Realm Cloud plan (this means your monthly Realm Cloud plan will remain, but you will only be paying $49 a month)

    2. In order to sign up for Atlas Developer support you would need to:
    3. Make sure to name your org with the naming convention "Realm Cloud - ” e.g. “Realm Cloud - Test” 

    4. Once this happens, our team will change your existing Realm Cloud subscription to stop any existing payments.

MongoDB Atlas Developer subscription